THE LAST UNICORN by Peter S. Beagle



So long, long ago (though maybe not all THAT long ago) the world was filled with magic and monsters…and unicorns. Especially unicorns because, y’know, they’re awesome. Every toddler knows that.

And then the unicorns were gone.

Well, mostly. See: there was still one unicorn left. Because she was a solitary creature, she was unaware of her status until a bunch of hunters blundered through her woods and informed her she was the last. Shocked, she is, shocked! Where the hell have all the unicorns gone? A wandering butterfly gives her a clue: “You can find the others if you are brave. They passed down the roads long ago, and the Red Bull ran close behind them and covered their tracks.”

What the hell is a Red Bull? It’s not an energy drink, no it’s not. This was written in the 60s. Where did the Unicorns run to, and why? The Unicorn decides to find out, and along the way she’ll meet the world’s most incompetent magician, a friendly lady cook, a vicious harpy, and a King who might destroy all beauty if the destroying of it would make him happy.

This is a lyrical, odd sort of tale, full of strange incidents (and rather rife with anachronisms, which is sometimes charming. “Come along, old man,” a prince tells a wizard just dismissed from his service, “I’ll write you a reference”). There was a cult animated film adaptation by Rankin and Bass made, oh, a LONG time ago and that’s well worth a look, because it follows the book very closely. It even has that creepy tree that falls in lust with the magician, which is as uncomfortable as it sounds, especially for the magician. As for the book, it passes by pleasantly enough, and leaves you feeling just a tad bittersweet for the ending of it, which is a fine accomplishment. Me like books.

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